Forty-five percent of star hotel rooms are vacant, competing with smaller hotels on price

Forty-five percent of star hotel rooms are vacant, competing with smaller h...

२२ पुस, काठमाडौं । सरकारले तामझामसँग भ्रमण वर्षको सुरुवात गरिरहँदा त...

Now, the directive passed by the NEA Board of Directors to purchase goods from the balance of the mobile has been verified

Now, the directive passed by the NEA Board of Directors to purchase goods f...

काठमाडौँ — मोबाइलमा रहेको ब्यालेन्सबाट पनि सामान किन्न मिल्ने भएको छ । नेपाल दूरसञ्चार...

Competition between different robots at Can Infotech, with more than 60 stalls

Competition between different robots at Can Infotech, with more than 60 sta...

वीरगंज। आगामी माघ ९ गतेदेखि वीरगंजमा प्रदेशस्तरीय पाँचदिने सूचनाप्रव...

With access to finance, the number of Internet and mobile banking users has increased.

With access to finance, the number of Internet and mobile banking users has...

वित्तीय पहुँचसंगै प्रविधिमा आधारित बैंकिंङ पनि बढिरहेको तथ्यांक सार्वजनिक भएको छ। वित्तीय पहुँच ६...