Social AI for Small Businesses

Social AI for Small Businesses

Program Details

Date: 23rd June,2024 

Day: Sunday

Venue: FB Live via Zoom.

Time: 7:00 - 7:30 PM(NPT)

          9:15 - 9:45 AM(EST)

Social AI means opting for a transformative experience in digital interaction. Our platform excels in delivering personalized, real-time communication solutions that are both intuitive and effective. We prioritize user-centric design, ensuring that our AI adapts and evolves with your needs, fostering deeper connections and enhancing collaboration. With a focus on continuous improvement and innovation, Social AI stands out as a leader in revolutionizing the way you interact with technology and each other.

Join us for an insightful seminar tailored for small business owners eager to leverage the transformative potential of Social AI.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Personalized Customer Engagement: Discover how AI can create personalized interactions that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. Efficiency in Communication: Learn how to streamline your communication processes with AI-driven tools.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Understand how AI can help you stay ahead of the competition by providing unique insights and automation capabilities.
  4. Real-World Applications: Explore practical examples and success stories of small businesses that have benefited from Social AI.

Why Attend?

This seminar is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to implement AI strategies that will drive growth and innovation in your business. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your approach to customer engagement and operational efficiency.

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Profile of Resource Person

Sunil Singh Sijapati, DBA
Sunil Singh Sijapati, DBA

Doctor in Business Administration from USA, worked as an insurance professional in Nepal before going overseas for MBA. Worked as financial advisor business advisor and management consultant in USA and Canada. He is very enthusiastic for financial technology and e-commerce integration. Ten year of experience in management consulting and corporate advising. He is also co-founder of (Online food delivery partner) and (Online medicine delivery company)